We all are aware of several Diseases being spread through various Virus & Bacteria. Few of them are known as Swine Flu, Food poisoning, Chicken Pox etc, which can even lead to deaths. According to a study, our HOME is the most polluted place we visit almost every day. Apart from Pest we can see (like Cockroaches / Ants / Termites..) our homes have Bacteria & Viruses as well. We often get in touch with these harmful pests through many services at our homes, for example from the labor hired for Carpentry / Whitewash / other home services, who carry deadly infections.
Also, immunity of Human Body is low after any surgery / illness. Expecting mothers / Infants are more prone to infections & Bacteria / Virus attacks. If you want to keep your home or your workplace protected from life-threatening infections, you should take a step and get Disinfection Treatment done on regular basis.
Disinfection treatment heals in eliminating Virus & Bacteria and helps in providing a healthier and safer environment. Pest-Cure Inc. makes use of Broad Spectrum Environmental Cleaners and Disinfectants for cleaning/dusting of surfaces and hard objects, mopping of the floor and air misting of the premises, to make sure you are living in a cleaner, healthier & Pest free environment.
Disinfection treatment can additionally be used to sanitize Surfaces/critical instruments which may come in contact with bloodstream in hospitals. Also in places like Schools/Hotels/Hospitals & Clinics, Disinfectant Treatment is highly recommended because of the chances of high infestation due to heavy footfall.