
We all are aware of several Diseases being spread through various Virus & Bacteria. Few of them are known as Swine Flu, Food poisoning, Chicken Pox etc, which can even lead to deaths. According to a study, our HOME is the most polluted place we visit almost every day. Apart from Pest we can see (like Cockroaches / Ants / Termites..) our homes have Bacteria & Viruses as well. We often get in touch with these harmful pests through many services at our homes, for example from the labor hired for Carpentry / Whitewash / other home services, who carry deadly infections.

Also, immunity of Human Body is low after any surgery / illness. Expecting mothers / Infants are more prone to infections & Bacteria / Virus attacks. If you want to keep your home or your workplace protected from life-threatening infections, you should take a step and get Disinfection Treatment done on regular basis.

Disinfection treatment heals in eliminating Virus & Bacteria and helps in providing a healthier and safer environment. Pest-Cure Inc. makes use of Broad Spectrum Environmental Cleaners and Disinfectants for cleaning/dusting of surfaces and hard objects, mopping of the floor and air misting of the premises, to make sure you are living in a cleaner, healthier & Pest free environment.

Disinfection treatment can additionally be used to sanitize Surfaces/critical instruments which may come in contact with bloodstream in hospitals. Also in places like Schools/Hotels/Hospitals & Clinics, Disinfectant Treatment is highly recommended because of the chances of high infestation due to heavy footfall.

Our Services

Hard surface Dusting
Floor Mopping
ULV Misting
Hard surface Dusting
Our first contact is with hard surfaces, like Door Handles / Counter tables etc. Dusting of these surfaces makes sure that we do not catch any infection.
Floor Mopping
Floor has the maximum amount of Dust & Bacteria/Viruses. Floor mopping will help kill the growth of Bacteria / Viruses.
ULV Misting
The Ultra Low Volume treatment is our latest technique of light fumigation for internal areas. The treatment involves emitting tiny droplets of our specially formulated chemical preparation into the open areas.

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